Your ONE SOURCE for everything adhesives and sealants!
Get Ready to Explore The Versatile World of Adhesives & Sealants!
Learn more about the science and chemistry of adhesives and sealants, their best uses and benefits, explore specific markets, read about the latest innovations and news from the industry, access online training, download selection guides and white papers, engage with the industry supply chain, and so much more!
Adhesives & Sealants 101
The science, technologies, applications, fastening & bonding, benefits, markets, standards, and more.
Major Markets
Building & Construction, Transportation, Paperboard & Packaging, Assembly Operations, Consumer/DIY, and more.
Resources & Tools
White papers & selection guides, standards, product sourcing tool, classification manuals, and more.
Innovations & News
The latest news from the adhesive & sealant industry including new products, innovations, research, and more.
Online Training
Comprehensive webinars on the technologies, chemistries, market uses, latest developments, and more.
Industry Events
In person national and regional events hosted by ASC, the industry’s U.S. based trade association.
Adhesive & sealant how-to videos, new product introductions, market solutions, innovations, and more.
Ask an Expert
Ask the adhesive & sealant community a technical, application, or product use question on LinkedIn.
How Does ‘Glue’ Work?
James May Explains Adhesives!
Glue (AKA adhesives) is a simple concept – it sticks things together – but how it works is very scientific and quite complex. James May does a bang up job of explaining it all.

Webinars & Short Courses
We offer valuable technical and business training opportunities through the Industry’s Training Academy including:
- Adhesives & Sealants 101
- Core adhesive and sealant technologies
- Advanced materials & bonding
- Business trends & strategic drivers
- Regulatory updates
- And much more!
Adhesive & Sealant White Papers and Selection Guides
Download technical white papers and selection guides for core technologies and major markets including:
- Electric Vehicles – Battery & Hybrid
- OEM Automotive Body Shop
- OEM Automotive Paint Shop, Trim and Final Assembly
- Chemical Management & Sustainability in Retail Channels
- Adhesives & Joining in Land Transportation
- Light Vehicles – Ops & Outlook
- Heavy Duty Trucks & Buses – Ops & Outlook
- And more releases each year

Industry News & Innovations
Learn about innovations in the adhesive & sealant industry, new products and service announcements, supply chain updates, product advancements and application solutions in core markets:
- Building & Construction
- Transportation (cars, trucks, aerospace, rail)
- Paperboard & Packaging
- Consumer & DIY
- Assembly Operations
- And many more!
Adhesive & Sealant Sourcing
Looking for the right adhesive or sealant solution for your application? Try the Adhesive & Sealant Council’s online Buyer’s Marketplace.
This directory tool serves as a quick and efficient way for end users and industry manufacturers to find the right adhesive or sealant solution and the right partner for their application needs. Users can narrow their directory search by market segment, technology, raw materials, equipment or service needs.